Mirror Array
⍝ Code gazes inwardmirror ← {⊖⍵}life ← 3 3⍴1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1⍝ What reflects in mirrored light?reflection ← mirror life⍝ Symbols dance in glass
A single haiku integrated with APL's symbolic notation creates a seamless flow between code and poetry. The comments form a 5-7-5 structure while the code operations mirror the theme of reflection. Each line is carefully placed to create dialogue between the computational and poetic elements.
The poem creates a 3x3 binary matrix with a symmetric pattern: 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 The mirror function {⊖⍵} uses APL's monadic reflection operator ⊖. When applied to 'life', the resulting 'reflection' matrix remains unchanged due to the perfect symmetry of the original pattern - a mathematical property that reinforces the poem's meditation on self-reflection.
The code's behavior becomes a profound metaphor - when we truly reflect on something perfectly balanced, it remains unchanged. The symmetrical matrix represents a kind of mathematical truth that maintains its form even through transformation. The haiku's progression from 'gaze' to 'reflection' to 'dance' mirrors the journey from observation through contemplation to understanding.