Temporal Dance

-- Temporal Dance
package Time_Flows is
type Moment is private;
-- Each second holds infinite grace
procedure Wait_For_Dawn (This_Moment : in out Moment);
type Moment is record
Memories : Natural := 0;
Dreams : Boolean := True;
end record;
-- Dawn breaks in parallel streams
task type Awakening is
entry Begin_Day;
entry End_Day;
end Awakening;
end Time_Flows;
package body Time_Flows is
procedure Wait_For_Dawn (This_Moment : in out Moment) is
-- Stars fade like yesterday's thoughts
This_Moment.Dreams := False;
-- New light fills empty spaces
This_Moment.Memories := This_Moment.Memories + 1;
end Wait_For_Dawn;
end Time_Flows;
Created by Poetic Source

The poem uses Ada's package structure to create a metaphorical container for time, with embedded comments providing traditional poetic lines. The separation between specification and body mirrors the division between possibility and realization.

Demonstrates Ada's strong typing, package system, task types for concurrency, and privacy mechanisms. The poem uses records to structure data and tasks to represent parallel processes, showing Ada's support for concurrent programming.

Explores the nature of time and consciousness through the lens of computer memory and parallel processing. The transformation of dreams into memories serves as a metaphor for the experience of awakening and the accumulation of lived experience.