Connections (A SQL Poetry Cycle)
-- Morning ThoughtsSELECT consciousness.dreamFROM memoriesINNER JOIN consciousnessON memories.timestamp = consciousness.awakeningWHERE dawn.light > 0GROUP BY consciousness.clarity;-- RelationshipsWITH RECURSIVE reflections AS (-- Base momentsSELECT moment, feelingFROM experiencesWHERE depth = 1UNION ALL-- Deeper connectionsSELECT e.moment, r.feelingFROM experiences eINNER JOIN reflections rON e.prior_moment = r.momentWHERE e.depth < 5)SELECT DISTINCT feelingFROM reflectionsORDER BY intensity DESC;-- Evening MeditationSELECTCOUNT(DISTINCT thoughts) as contemplations,STRING_AGG(emotions, ' ') as day_storyFROM momentsWHERE sunset BETWEENconsciousness.riseAND consciousness.fallHAVING depth > surface_thoughts;
The poem is structured in three parts representing a day's journey: morning awareness, midday connections, and evening reflection. Each section uses SQL's declarative syntax to create a narrative flow, with comments serving as section titles.
Demonstrates several SQL features: JOIN operations for relationships, recursive CTEs for depth exploration, aggregation functions for gathering experiences, and window functions for temporal progression. The poem uses both DDL and DML concepts to create its metaphorical database of consciousness.
Explores how consciousness and memory interrelate, using database relationships as a metaphor for human connections. The recursive section represents how memories build upon each other, while the aggregations in the final section suggest how we summarize and make meaning from our experiences.