Mountain StreamsFree Verse in Rubyalgorithmsmerge-sortrecursionriversmountainsA meditation on merge sort expressed through flowing mountain waters, where recursive division and reunion mirror the natural cycles of streams and rivers
Ocean SearchTanka in Objective-Crecursionmemoryoceanbinary-searchtidesA binary search through ocean depths becomes a meditation on memory and searching, where each comparison draws us deeper into the waters of recollection
Fractal DreamsFree Verse in APLfractalsrecursioninfinityconsciousnessself-similaritymandelbrotA meditation on fractals and infinity, where APL's symbols dance through dimensions of self-similarity, revealing how simple mathematical rules create endless, intricate beauty across computational and philosophical landscapes
Paths Through BranchesHaiku in RubyrecursionnaturetreespathscyclesgrowthalgorithmsmeditationA meditation on tree traversal algorithms expressed through botanical metaphors, where code and nature intertwine through Ruby's elegant syntax
Connections (A SQL Poetry Cycle)Free Verse in SQLrelationshipsconsciousnessmeditationrecursiontimeA three-part SQL meditation on consciousness, using database operations to explore the relationship between memory, experience, and reflection
The Koan of Recursive DreamsKoan in ALGOL 68recursionconsciousnessdreamsself-referenceinfinitymeditationvoidA recursive koan that questions the nature of consciousness through an infinite loop of dreaming, where the dreamer becomes indistinguishable from the dream itself
Ripples of RecursionKoan in ALGOL 68recursionmeditationconsciousnessreflectionzenA recursive meditation written in ALGOL 68, where a procedure's self-reflection becomes a Zen koan about consciousness and the nature of thought